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Personalisation Tokens

How to use personalisation tokens

James Sweeney avatar
Written by James Sweeney
Updated over 10 months ago

Personalisation tokens are an easy way to personalise the content you send to app users. They work by inserting app user-specific details into the body of your notice, such as their name, phone number, or email.

Here's a short example of using a personalisation token:

Hi {{ app_first_name }}, please find attached our latest newsletter.

If the name you have registered on the app is "James" for example, the above message would read like this:

Hi James, please find attached our latest newsletter.

The following personalisation tokens can be used in the content (body) field of the notice:

Name of the app profile (your organisation name)

{{ profile_name }}

First name of app account user

{{ app_first_name }}

Last name of app account user

{{ app_last_name }}

A combination of the first and last name of app account user

{{ app_display_name }}

Email of app account user

{{ app_email }}

Phone # of app account user

{{ app_phone }}

Profile icon (at size uploaded to media library)

{{ profile_icon_img }}

These personalisation tokens can be used in the summary and/or title fields of the notice. For definitions, see the list above.

{{ profile_name }}

{{ app_first_name }}

{{ app_last_name }}

{{ app_display_name }}


  • The personalisation codes will not appear in the push notifications, only when opening the notice.

  • Phone number (app_phone) will not display when a notice is sent as an email.

Advanced tags

Profile Icon URL (For advanced use)

{{ profile_icon_url }}

Usage: <img src="https://{{ profile_icon_url }}" height="32" width="32">

Note: You need to add https:// before the code when using in HTML links or images to prevent safe URL overwriting

Note: When using in HTML code in the body of the notice, you need to be working in Text mode.

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